Baby & Family Gallery
We always try and include parents and siblings in our Newborn Baby Shoots. We understand that not all Mams & Dads want to be included in their baby’s Newborn Shoot, even if we can just use your hands and arms it means your still part of your baby’s shoot. We have included hands and arms images in our gallery below.

Your Free
Newborns Welcome Guide
To receive a copy of our latest Newborns Welcome Guide please complete the form to receive your copy.

Our Studio
Village Photography
16 Mountbatten Avenue
Tyne and Wear
NE31 2QP
Opening Hours
10am-4pm By Appointment only.
We do offer one late night a week which varies from week to week
We do offer one late night a week which varies from week to week
Call Us
Studio: 0191 428 1037
Mobile: 07947 153 935